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2004-07-01, 8:38 a.m.

~~Rarely, or a part to tear a cat in.~~

Mood: Tired

Today Justin and I are going to the dyalisis center to do some Robo Randy pictures. It will be fun. We saw SPINDERMAN2 last night at like 10:30. There was a useless hour of shit I already knew, and that made me sad. After the movie Nick, Ryan, Justin and myself argued about who would be after Hop-Goblin, and whether or not they could safely do Carnage or not. I think they could. They did it on an effin' fox cartoon! Serial killer or not. Anyway. Doc-Ok was awesome. The arms were cool and the guy who played him fit well. Although I missed the classic green and white lab coat from the comic. But it was an alright movie. I might see it again with Dad.. but I'll just play CASTLEVANIA during that boring hour.

I got a nice e-mail from Stacey. It made me feel happy. I wish we lived closer.

I guess I'm going to the carnival by myself on friday.. No one else wants to go. Justin hates carnival rides. **sigh** Either way. I <3 rides. I hope there aren't any gross carnies hitting on me again, haha. Good times. Maybe Ashley can go. She's home now until.. I forget. But awhile.

If you noticed my tone has changed. There are two reasons.

1) People sent me nice IMs/e-mails after reading my past entry.

2)It's fourth of July.. Colourful explosions, yummy food, and everyone is home. Mom is woozie, but she is going to fireworks, whether she wants to or not. hhaha.

3)(hidden reason!!)Why should I be sad? It's 3 weeks until opening night for Midsummer Night's Dream and I get to wear fuckin' donkey ears!

The End.

Ps-Ginger is adorable.

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