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2003-07-17, 10:59 p.m.


Mood: Its been awhile....but yeah duh. im not dating nate anymore because hes a weird-o in a bad way...HORRIBLE WAY! i found my E.A.J. (expirmental air force jacket) i love that jacket...i will never ever let it outta my sights again! its got to many cool things on it..haha....Ah to tired to think!!!! Well wednesday i went to J's house and we did the band thing for all day. It was extremely productive. We tracked vox for 4 songs, bass for 3, drums for the last 6 and guitar for 2....Drums are all done. There are 18 songs on the CD. i think its going to be a little under an hour long. im so excited. EVERYONE BUY IT! (SenSOry OvErloAd's first album called,"L.S.D.") LSD stands for something secret....if you ask me i might tell you.

Today we had the first show. well first audience...And during this show Heather the Canadian gave me the nickname "Dildo" was sooooo funny! I spent alot of time with chris...including on the hamock..shh! dont tell anyone! haha jk go ahead i dont care.

Posers make me mad....GRRRRR....

I bought an AFI poster today. Its cool. I also got a PUNKCORE various cd with LCB on it and the virus, and clit 45, and cheap sex, and of course the CASUALTIES!!!!

Im done...later

"You tought me how to play guitar, and you told me id get far just by tryin, yeah just by tryin. We were kids listing to social D, spiritual man on LSD we were frying, yeah we were frying! Once in a while youd fuck with me take the ground off my guitar and it shocked me...J Cayton..I call you Satan, yeah cuz when we were skatin youd make the metal sign. Kicked outta school for wearing profanity, "Too drunk too fuck" said the Dead Kennedys, on your button, yeah your punk rock button! Once in a while id surf with you, our first band was called I.M.R.U." ~~Dedicated to my idol~~

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