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2003-12-04, 9:56 p.m.

~~Hope for snow.....and indie.~~

Mood: Tired.

Sleep... I want to sleep. But im not going to. To many things to be excited about. Probably no school tomorrow...SNOW! Gawd i cant take another day of Stock being a freak. So what. Maybe i dont wanna do my report. Fuck you, your not my mom. She keeps calling me kiddo. Ha, lunch was funny today. Andrew and I thought the lake was going to kill Cookie. And right at 12:08 andy and I hit the floor so it didnt kill us. But we were wrong. The lake didnt kill Cookie. Cynide is stronger than sweet tea-tarn. I've been playing Dinkie-wouchie-couchie all day. Cookie seems to be the only one i can beat. Andy and i keep getting gay-sex. It happens alot. Caught some ponies today. Pjster again. He's a bad pony. Ashley is a pony. Andy and i seem to have many childlike games we play. I love it. Its so easy to come up with but lasts for hours! DIRTY MONEY WALKIE TALKIES! "Eh, oh lets go! i wanna start a riot and i dont wanna fight it.." I dont know what thats from...but its cool. And by cool, i mean so annoying its just stuck in my head. Justin sent me this bass line he wrote, and i was singing "Let The Bad Times Roll" by the Vandals to sorta fit...if you messed up the vandal's rythme....haha. Im going to Justins tomorrow..yay! I saw him today...finally! I was all tired cos it was school..but i dont care, it was Justin! Eden got a boyfriend. His name is matt. He lives online and i want to kill him because he is crazy and obsessive! He asked eden to marry him! HA what a loser. Then i told him eden was my girlfriend and he got sad and crazy....See what happens when you act like a jackass?! Ya damn skippy...Amy says something weird and really off topic and then you get sad..But they are going out anyway. Ill beat him up if he trys to kill her via computer. I think Grant is joining a skinhead band, and despite my past with those bitches...good for him. All my friends are doing pretty good. i want to do andys band as the bassist...they dont think ill like the music..but i dont know the last time any of them got to know my musical taste...if its not indie or emo, amy hates it so we hate her musical taste! Which isnt true. so fuck them. ha. Mom was bein weird today. Very weird..extremely friendly and happy. Heh, maybe this is because im off grounding! She used to be nice. i remember when....haha no not now. Okay im done. bye

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