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2005-09-15, 8:50 a.m.


Mood: Hungry

I am on my computer. I have to re-download the new WoW patch.

Yesterday I went to the mall with Kate again. This time, we just bought colouring books and coloured for 2 and a half hours. Then my alarm went off saying we only had 20 minutes until we had to leave. We went to FYE and talked to Mr. Q andnotU. He always looks hungover.. And by always, I mean two days in a row. Then Ryan called and was getting hit by..old ladies? So we talked to him for a minute on our way out. I had to spend my last dollar on Airhockey (I lost...;_;). 70 bucks in 3 days. I gave Ryan my Stabbie picture, then we left. We stopped by Kris's on the way to Kate's and gave her the Poor and Pirateship. Then I was late dropping Kate off and her Mom flipped out a little bit. Luckily, she can still go to the show tonight.

The Boils are playing the Championship October second. I believe I will be driving to this one myself. Justin hates all things not synth, so I KNOW he won't go. Kate probably can't go. There is always Eric Buckingham and Ryan Konrad. Ryan never talks. Ever. I don't know, but this is their only close show so I'd like to go. Even is I have to go alone!! Which would probably be fun anyway.

I had lots of weird dreams about Justin. Weird...weird..weird dreams. And now, I need to go eat before my bloodsugar drops and I die or something like that. You know, whatever.

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